Our big data world

Do you know why you often see the same ad or similar product on the website? Instead of the website tracking you, the data provides relevant ads in the types you frequently browse.


When applying for user services, you need to agree to some terms of service(TOS). When you agree, your personal data will start to be monitored through the platform you use. Age, preferences, browsing history are all personal data collected by the platform. Simply put, the personal information you fill out when signing up for Facebook and Instagram users are in use.

I believe that many people have agreed not to read the terms of service(TOS) carefully. If you don’t agree, you can’t use it. It is actually being pulled. Although it is still in the big data world, if you enter the era of digital feudalism, and the power is in the hands of those who control the means of production, they can simply control us.


If you don’t want the “behavior record” or “no longer choose”, pay attention to the terms of service(TOS) you agree to.





  1. Marr, B. (2016, July 27). Are We Heading For Digital-Feudalism In Our Big Data World? Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2016/07/26/is-this-the-scary-world-our-tech-revolution-will-create/#6631c15a2b96




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