Why can “Youtuber” make daily videos on youtube to make money? 


Zanatta, Jessica A. (2017. )Understanding YouTube Culture and How It Affects Today’s Media. Senior Theses and Capstone Projects. 83. Retrieved from https://scholar.dominican.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1103&context=senior-theses

Students from the Dominican University of California studied the impact of the rise and development of YouTube on the media today. The prevalence of people watching video on the Internet is now greater than watching TV. The traditional TV media industry has also been gradually degraded by various types of online videos. YouTube was founded in 2005, is now the most widely known video sharing site in the world. YouTube’s wide range of videos, from music, news, animals, entertainment, and even some of your unexpected categories. The public watching YouTube has also grown rapidly, attracting viewers of different races to click and watch. This platform allows anyone to open an account to upload and post videos. The rise of YouTube has also aroused the interest of many people. Most netizens began uploading their own filmed or manufactured videos to share on this platform, including life record, teaching, movie analysis, game live, beauty, travel, funny etc. These creative people are YouTube creators, forming a profession called “YouTuber.”


How “YouTuber” gain profit?

Katrina, W. (2016. )YouTube Marketing: Legality of Sponsorship and Endorsement in Advertising. bepress. Retrieved from file:///Users/tw/Downloads/YouTube%20Marketing_Katrina%20Wu_stamped.pdf


In this research, I discovered that YouTube’s marketing is the source of YouTuber’s revenue. It turns out that YouTube is free to share videos through the YouTube platform and the revenue of the videos is not directly from the viewers’ clicks, but mainly depends on the number of page views. First, the YouTube video is placed at the beginning of the advertisement. You can allow youtube to place the advertisement on your channel videos, which is what we usually watch on YouTube. Every thousand views will receive a certain amount, and the more views you make, the higher the revenue will be. Second, get your video sponsorship. This is divided into two categories, which are joined as channel sponsors and it is required to pay a certain amount each month to subscribe to a channel. Channel sponsors can get some special treatments like they can use logo and emoji when they comment on that channel’s video. On the other hand is the audience’s super chat or donation, means that the live broadcast on YouTube is that viewers can sponsor the amount they want to sponsor and no limited. Last but not least, branding on YouTube or social media. The brand will send some products to YouTuber, which can share the feeling after use the product on YouTube to promote the branded product or post on social media. The amount of these revenue sources is basically determined by the number of page views or subscribers.

In this study, the researchers looked at different YouTube videos that promoted the brand on their videos and consumers and viewers’ opinions on promoting the brand on YouTube. In addition to discovering that YouTuber earns revenue on those avenues, it also needs to build a personal image and style for the channel’s operations. From the research, we must know the audience’s views on brand promotion. They take the view of trust. If YouTuber approves or appreciates a product, the viewer will trust it, just like the word of mouth recommendation of friends and family.


What type of “YouTuber” can earn a higher income?

Bärtl, M. (2018, Jan 10). YouTube channels, uploads and views: A statistical analysis of the past 10 years. SAGE journals. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1354856517736979

This is a quantitative study of a random YouTube channel that describes how channels on YouTube have changed and analyzed YouTube channel viewing distribution over time. There are 18 different categories on YouTube today(Autos & Vehicles, Comedy, Education, Entertainment, Film & Animation, Gaming, How To & Style, Movies, Music, News & Politics, Nonprofits & Activism, People & Blogs, Pets & Animals, Science & Technology, Shows, Sports, Trailers, Travel & Events). The music category was the most popular in 2009, with more than 20% of the channels mainly uploading music videos. However, in 2016, most newly created channels have been occupied by people and blogs, close to 75%. Followed by the second is the game channel. 

In this research, I found out that the positioning and style of the channel are able to determine how much YouTuber earns. The fact that characters and blogs account for a large number in recent years also means that viewers prefer to watch this type. Another reason why the second-ranked—game channel has attracted a lot of viewers is that there are many different types of games, whether on mobile phones or computers. YouTuber’s current popular things make movies to attract viewers.

In summary, people are also concerned about this new and popular industry. Some people will like to get information or entertainment on YouTube, some people will like to be YouTuber to bring information and joy to others, and some people are full of doubts about this industry. Even if YouTuber is promoting for the benefit of the public, it is bringing all kinds of suggestions and opinions to the audience. There are also many rumors on the Internet. After exploring, I found out that the true and understand “YouTuber” more.

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